family, Marriage, motherhood, parenthood, Religious


Ignore the fact that it’s been a few days since my last rant.
I’m going to really try to write something every day; even if it’s about nothing.
So…. here’s about nothing! 

It’s a Sunday. Baby’s sleeping. Kids are downstairs with the hubs. Parents are out at Costco. Sister is in Banff for a long weekend, and I’m here working. This is my second week working on a Sunday and it sucks. Work is wonderful when everyone is taken care of; when someone I trust has the older kids, when the baby’s sleeping, when the dogs have been taken care of and are napping, and when the phone lines are quiet. I’m also surrounded physically with clutter and chaos as the kids’ desk is being used currently to stash all miscellaneous items from our rooms. The bookshelf is a mess from the kids playing with it all day yesterday. Our room looks like a cyclone came and left. But it’s relatively quiet so it’s bliss.

Here’s to another Sunday of work and a hard-working husband.
