family, Marriage, motherhood, parenthood, Religious

Through the Storm

We’re struggling.

Struggling; that doesn’t even justify what we’re going through. We’re burning the wick at both ends trying to have it all. I work full time, am a full time mother, full time daughter and sister, full time wife, and part time student. At any given time, I have a million things on my mind and am juggling at least 2 different tasks. I’m exhausted from getting broken sleep. My husband also works full time, a full time husband and son, full time father, and part time coach. We don’t have any personal time with each other. We rarely have personal time to ourselves. I’m constantly underestimating myself, doubting myself. I’m constantly wondering if my choices are for the enrichment of my kids or if they’re hindering them further.

I think I just worry about whether I’m enough. If I’m doing enough. If I’m able to do it all. I mean, I guess I can, but at what cost? My sanity? My sleep? My comfort? Apparently you can’t move forward if you’re comfortable. This discomfort should mean I’m doing something right I guess.

“Praise Him through the storm,” I always hear. Well, I do praise Him through the storm. It’s the easiest time to praise Him. I know He will provide and He will give us what we need in His time. But, you know me. I like to plan. I like to know what’s ahead. I read the ending to the books first because I can’t stand the suspense. I have control issues. I need to constantly be in or feel like I’m in control.

But while I’m figuring things out, I guess I’ll just be here. In discomfort and praising God.
